Chess Puzzle Championship:
Puzzle solving improves many elements of thinking skill.
There are trophies to be won for the highest points scorers in each age group. And star player prizes for the top points scorer from each school. The 10 age groups are from U-8’s up to U-16.
Teachers who want to enter your school please email us at and we will send you a code giving all your students free entry to this event.
Here are two demo videos of how to use the codes to give your students free access.
(1) Free access to Chessossity for Teachers: video-1
(2) Free access to Chessossity for Students: video-2
Project – Make your own chess set:
This is a perfect starting point for young kids and those who’ve never played before.
As part of this project we will be holding a craft competition. There are prizes for the best pictures received. To enter the competition email us at All pictures are being displayed on our facebook page.
Try our mini-games for beginners are here. Parents and kids can play n’ learn with these mini-games , each mini-game has a 2 minute how-to video.