Once we’ve started chess mini-games .. the next step is to start aour school chess club.
ChessOssity.com is ideal for teachers relatively new to chess and groups with mixed levels. This program is free to all Teachers (& their students) who join one of our teacher trainer workshops.
It allows the competitive players to develop their thinking skills at home. The MFL teacher workshops share information on how to keep the focus of chess time at school on social aspects of chess, participation and fun.
Teachers can facilitate chess for your students by giving them chessossity.com (see short videos below) and for fantastic social chess activities see the book First Moves for both learning and fun.
Here are 4 videos which show how easy it is to create an environment that supports development of thinking skills using chess ..
(1) Free access to Chessossity for Teachers: video-1
(2) Free access to Chessossity for Students: video-2
(3) Motivating students with chess notebooks : video-3
(4) Running my own chess league: video-4
Download a template for your students chess notebooks .. players-chessbook . This document is in word.doc format which allows each tacher to create their points system for leagues and their own school championships.
And .. every school that runs a chess jamboree during November 2020 will go into a draw to win chess equipment for your school chess club !
First Moves
Teachers book: First Moves 1, written by April Cronin, is based on April’s 40 years experience as a school Teacher and chess coach. It contains a vast amount of practical information, exercises for kids and entertaining group activities .. for more information and to get your school’s copy email April at .. aprilmarycronin@gmail.com
We should also say that .. having a school team and school championship gives players a massive incentive to improve and adds plenty of positive energy to a chess club.