Seána from the Central Model School in Marlborogh St Dublin writes: After the Halloween midterm, I began teaching chess to my own class (4th) and the other 4th class in my school – Central Model Senior School, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1.
Last spring, I attended April Cronin’s chess training in Drumcondra EC. I have now implemented what I have learned from both April and her book, into my own class.
We began by playing capture the counters/treasure hunt with the rook, then moving onto the bishop and the queen. The children also couldn’t believe when I told them they’d learn the 64 names for each square on the board in less than a minute. Needless to say, they informed me afterwards that it only took them 30 seconds.
Next week we will be starting a chess leaderboard in the classroom and the children couldn’t be more excited. We have also organised our own chess jamboree with 5th class in January.